Builders representing Encipher command in gemSpec_COS#14.8.4
Use case Encipher using transmitted RSA key Pkcs1_v1_5 gemSpec_COS#
Key data must be in PKCS #1 format for an RSA key, see Apple documentation on SecKeyCreateWithData -
Use case Encipher using transmitted RSA key Oaep gemSpec_COS#
Key data must be in PKCS #1 format for an RSA key, see Apple documentation on SecKeyCreateWithData -
Use case Encipher using transmitted ELC key gemSpec_COS#
Use cases Encipher using a RSA key saved on card gemSpec_COS#
Use cases Encipher using a Elc key saved on card gemSpec_COS#
Use cases Encipher using a symmetric key saved on card gemSpec_COS#