Builder representing Miscellaneous Commands in gemSpec_COS#14.9
Use case verify COS Fingerprint gemSpec_COS#
when prefix is not 128 long -
Asymmetric Key Pair Generation (GAKP) modes
See more -
Generate an Asymmetric Key Pair - gemSpec_COS#14.9.3
ChallengeParameter to specify challenge mode in gemSpec_COS#14.9.4
See more -
Get Challenge - gemSpec_COS#14.9.4
Get random bytes with given length - gemSpec_COS#14.9.5
List all Public Keys - gemSpec_COS#14.9.7
Open logic channel - gemSpec_COS#
Close logic channel - gemSpec_COS#
Reset logic channel - gemSpec_COS#
Reset Application (channel context) - gemSpec_COS#