Mapping: GEM_ERP_PR_MedicationDispense|1.4.0 in EPAMedicationDispense|1.1.0-rc1

Source Profile: GEM_ERP_PR_MedicationDispense|1.4.0

Target Profile: EPAMedicationDispense|1.1.0-rc1

Version: 1.1, Status: active

Last updated on: 2024-07-30 21:27:43

Color Legend:

  •      Information present in the source will be retained in the target mapping
  •      Information will be removed or left empty in the target mapping
  •      Special action is required for this mapping
Property Source Profile Target Profile Warning Remarks
GEM_ERP_PR_MedicationDispense|1.4.0 EPAMedicationDispense|1.1.0-rc1
MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription.display 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription.identifier 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription.reference 1..1 1..1
MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription.type 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.category 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.contained 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.context 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.daysSupply 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.destination 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.detectedIssue 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.eventHistory 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
0..1 0..1 Dieser Identifier setzt sich aus der Task-ID und dem MedicationRequest.authoredOn zusammen. Er wird durch den Medication Service vergeben.
MedicationDispense.identifier 1..* 0..* Der Identifier.value (TaskId) wird in MedicationDispense.identifier:prescriptionID übernommen
MedicationDispense.identifier:EPADispensationIdentifier 0..1 Will remain empty for now, as no source information is available
MedicationDispense.identifier:RxOriginatorProcessIdentifier 0..1 0..1 Der Identifier wird vom Medication Service erstellt und verknüpft jede Prescription-ID mit der ursprünglichen Resource-ID zur genauen Nachverfolgung der Medikationsdaten im Format resourceID + ‘_’ + prescriptionID.
MedicationDispense.identifier:prescriptionID 1..1 Mapped from 'MedicationDispense.extension:rxPrescriptionProcessIdentifier'
MedicationDispense.implicitRules 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.language 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.location 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.medication[x] 1..1 1..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.meta 1..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.meta.lastUpdated 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.meta.profile 1..1 0..* Wird auf die meta.profile Angabe des Zielprofils umgeschrieben 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.meta.source 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.meta.tag 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.meta.versionId 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.note 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.partOf 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.performer 1..1 1..1 Property and value(s) will be retained 1..1 1..1 Property and value(s) will be retained 0..1 Extension and value(s) will be retained 1..1 Extension and value(s) will be retained 0..1 0..1 Extension and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.performer.function 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.quantity 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.receiver 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.status 1..1 1..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.statusReason[x] 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.subject 1..1 1..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.subject.display 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.subject.identifier 0..1 1..1
  • The minimum cardinality of one of the source profiles is less than the minimum cardinality of the target profile
Ist mit der Krankenversichertennummer des Versicherten im System "" zu befüllen.
MedicationDispense.subject.reference 0..1 0..1
MedicationDispense.subject.type 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.substitution 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.substitution.reason 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.substitution.responsibleParty 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.substitution.type 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.substitution.wasSubstituted 1..1 1..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.supportingInformation 0..* 0..* Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.text 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.type 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.whenHandedOver 1..1 1..1 Property and value(s) will be retained
MedicationDispense.whenPrepared 0..1 0..1 Property and value(s) will be retained